Pan-European Research Network for Complementary and Alternative
Medicine (CAM)
Final conferences: Brussels 28-29 November 2012
Invitation Final Conference (pdf)
CAMbrella Press Release November 29, 2012 (pdf)
European Policy Brief: The Roadmap for European CAM Research (pdf)
CAMbrella Workshop in the EU Parliament on 28 November 2012
Five Statements Advisory Board (pdf)
CAMbrella Final Conference 29 November 2012
Presentations CAMbrella Final Conference
Programm and List of Speakers (pdf)
Brinkhaus B: Roadmap for Future CAM Research (pdf)
Falkenberg T: International Development of TM/CAM research - What can Europe learn (pdf)
Fonnebo V: Legal Status and Regulations (pdf)
Johannessen H: Needs and Attitudes of Citizens (pdf)
Langbein K: Diagnosed Cancer: The Needs for Orientation and Personal Care. A patient´s View (pdf)
Lewith G: CAM use and Prevalence (pdf)
Uehleke B: Terminology and Definitions of CAM Methods (pdf)
von Ammon K: CAM use - the Poviders´Perspective (pdf)
Weidenhammer W: 3 Years CAMbrella in Retrospect (pdf)
Weidenhammer W: Closing Remarks (pdf)
Zimmermann P: CAMbrella Roadmap - The Advisory Board´s View (pdf)
Final versions of the CAMbrella reports
- Preliminary CAM terminology and definitions (pdf)
WP 2 Legal status and regultion of CAM in Europe
- Part I - CAM regulation in the European countries
- Part II - Herbal and homeopathic medicinal products (pdf)
- Part III - CAM regulations in EU/EFTA/EEA (pdf)
- Citizens’ needs and attitudes towards CAM (pdf)
WP 4 CAM use in Europe - The patients' perspective
- Part I - A systematic literature review of CAM prevalence in the
EU (pdf)
- Part II - A pilot feasibility study of a questionnaire to
determine EU wide CAM use (pdf)
- Health Technology Assessment (HTA) and a map of CAM provision in the EU (pdf)
WP 6
- Global stakeholders view on CAM research and development:
Implications for the EU roadmap
WP 7
- General roadmap for future European CAM research
This report was published as a scientitic paper: Fischer F, Lewith G, Witt CM, Linde K, Ammon K, Cardini F, Falkenberg T, Fønnebø V, Johannessen H, Reiter B, Uehleke B, Weidenhammer W, Brinkhaus B (2014). A research roadmap for complementary and alternative medicine - what we need to know by 2020. Forschende Komplementärmedizin, 21(2):e1-e16. [PubMed]
- Informed consensus based strategy for dissemination of final results and future networking (pdf)