CAM Interest Group in the EU Parliament
The CAM Interest Group is an informal group of members of the European Parliament with a special interest in Complementary and Alternative Medicine. The aims of the Interest Group are:
– putting and keeping CAM on the EU policy agenda
– activating a Forum for discussion and action
– promoting awareness of CAM and the value of a more holistic approach to health.
This Group organises, in collaboration with EUROCAM, meetings in the European Parliament where members of the European Parliament and representatives of the CAM stakeholders — patients, healthcare professionals and manufacturers — present their views and participate in the discussions. Usually a representative from the European Commission is invited to present the Commission’s perspective. The meetings offer the opportunity to enter into active dialogue with relevant policy makers and stakeholders and for the Interest Group to make an informed decision in order to take a proactive stance on a subject that is highly relevant for large numbers of EU citizens.
An overview of all CAM Interest Groups can be found here.